SEMINAR KHOA HỌC: Crystal structure determination of dynamics Fluorescent proteins, do Báo cáo viên TS Bùi Thị Yến Hằng trình bày

Seminar Khoa học cấp Khoa: Crystal structure determination of dynamics Fluorescent proteins, do Báo cáo viên TS Bùi Thị Yến Hằng trình bày. Thời gian: 9:00, thứ 2, ngày 26/6/2023 Địa điểm: PH Khoa, tầng 4, A4 Thành phần: Các thày cô, sinh viên, học viên, NCS khoa Hoá học và các cá nhân quan tâm!


1. Personal data
Name: BUI THI YEN HANG                                                 
2. Education background
• 2018 - 2023: phD student at Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry at KU
Leuven, Belgium.
Doctoral thesis: Crystal structure determination of dynamic Fluorescent proteins.
• 2013 - 2015: Master’s Degree in Organic Chemistry; Hanoi National University
of Education, Vietnam
Master thesis: Researching reactions of  N-methylquinolinium and some amine,
amino acids; and the fluorescent property of products.
• 2009 – 2013: Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry and Education; Hanoi National
University of Education, Vietnam
Bachelor Thesis: Synthesis and properties of a new quinoline quinone: 7(carboxymethoxy)-3-sulfoquinolin-5,6-dione.

3. Awards and honors

• Received doctoral grants from the Vietnamese government (project 911) and the Schlumberger Foundation from 2018 to 2022.
• Received bursaries for participating 33 European Crystallographic Meeting in 2022 and the 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography in 2021.
• Won best flash presentation awards at the 11th Belgium Symposium on Crystallography in 2021 and the 16th Asian Crystallographic Association Meeting in 2019.
• Received visiting scholarship for a short X-ray training at KU Leuven, Belgium in 2015 and 2016 (as part of a VLIR-UOS project).
4. List of publications
T.Y.H. Bui et al., IUCrData 1 (2016) x152428.
T.Y.H. Bui et al., IUCrData 1 (2016) x152176.
N.H. Dinh, V.T. Len, B.T.Y. Hang, L.T. Hoa, J. Heterocycl. Chem. 56 (2019) 1048–1054. 

T.H.H. Le, T.N.V. Nguyen, T.C. Ngo, V.C. Le, T.Y.H. Bui, T. Da Tran, H.D.
Nguyen, L. Van Meervelt, J. Fluoresc. 31 (2021) 195–208.
T.Y.H. Bui et al., Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Commun. 79 (2023) 38–44.
T.Y.H. Bui et al., Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 239 (2023) 124179.  

5. Abstracts/Presentations/Posters
T.Y.H. Bui el at., Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A Found. Adv. 77 (2021) C343–C343.
T. Bui el at., Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A Found. Adv. 78 (2022) e421–e421.


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