Toạ đàm với học giả của Trung tâm đổi mới sáng tạo và khởi nghiệp Sinh viên, ĐHBK Hà Nội và NOVAEDU
1. PGS.TS Lương Xuân Điển hiện đang công tác tại Khoa Hoá học, Trường Hoá và Khoa học sự sống sẽ báo cáo về đổi mới sáng tạo và khởi nghiệp tại Khoa Hoá học, Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội
2. Bà Bùi Thị Ngần, Giám đốc điều hành NOVASPRO vào 9:00 ngày 7/10/2024 tại P302, Trung tâm Học Liệu, 128 Xuân Thuỷ, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
I. PGS.TS Lương Xuân Điển
Scientific background
Inorganic, organic, solid-state, materials chemistry; gold chemistry, defective chemistry, clusters, nanoporous materials, ceramic materials technology; waste and biomass valorization, energy materials; heterogeneous catalysis; DeNOx catalysts, photocatalytic reactors, NH3 synthesis, carbon dioxide capture and conversion to fuels; energy storage.
2004-2009 |
Engineer, School of Chemical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. |
2009-2011 |
Msc., School of Chemical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. |
05/2011-11/2011 |
Internship, Nanotechnology, Toyota Technological Institute. |
10/2012-09/2015 |
Ph.D., Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University. |
10/2015-03/2016 |
Research Assistant, Research Center for Gold Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Masatake Haruta and Prof. Dr. Tamao Ishida. |
04/2016-03/2017 |
Assistant Professor, Research Center for Gold Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University. |
01/2018-06/2018 |
Research Fellow, University of Rostock. |
07/2018-09/2018 |
Visiting Scientist, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo Institue of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute |
07/2019-09/2019 |
Researcher, Clean Energy Research Center, University of Yamanashi. |
2009- |
Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. |
2021: |
Certificates of Merit Second Prize in the 2021 "Science and Technology” Award for Young Lecturers in Higher Education Institutions of Ministry of Education and Training |
2020-2022: |
Project director of Vietnam Electricity Corporation: “Recycling DeNOx catalysts at thermal power plants” |
- 2021-2022: |
Project director of MOET: “Development of highly active DeNOx catalysts based on polyoxovanadate”. |
- 2018-2019: |
Postdoctoral fellow of University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany (DAAD fund) |
- 2018-2020: |
Project director of NAFOSTED: "Synthesis and applications of Au nanocluster catalysts". |
- 2018-2019: |
Project director of Nippon Glass Sheet Foundation: "Synthesis and environmental applications of Au nanocomposites from bio-wastes". |
- 2018: |
Project director of HUST: “Synthesis and applications of Au nanocomposites from rice husk". |
- 2015: |
Postdoctoral fellow of Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. |
- 2012-2015: |
Asian Human Resource Fund for Doctoral Course in Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan (3 years). |
- 2012: |
Project director of HUST: "Research and Synthesis of carbon nanotubes based on Fe3O4 and NiO nanoparticles by chemical vapor deposition and their applications". |
- 2011: |
Japanese government scholarship (JASSO) in Toyota Technological Institute, Japan (1 year). |
- 2010: |
Project director of HUST: "Research and fabrication magnetic materials with core-shell structure based on magnetic nanoparticles (AFe12O19(A = Ca, Sr) is core and SiO2 or ferrite MFe2O4(M= Ni, Fe) is shell)". |
II. Bà Bùi Thị Ngần

Post by: Khoa Hóa Học HNUE